Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Snow Day, again!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Snow Day!
Rebekah, Michael and Rachel running up the hill after sliding down
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wizard of Oz
Rachel with Dorothy - Dorothy was really an amazing performer, and had a beautiful voice

Here are some video clips from a dress rehearsal. Rachel is just right of the guy wearing black in the first video. Sorry about the poor video quality, the stage lights and my camera didn't get along very well.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree...
It was great to have Paul with us. We decided to have a gingerbread theme tree this year, so we strung mints to use as garland, and made gingerbread cookies and decorated them.
tree decoratingLiz and Rebekah taking care of garland
Josh decorating
Here's the finished product! I think it ended up being really cute!
Merry Christmas!
Glow bowl fun!
Funny Videos
Rachel is such a comedian. She always keeps us laughing.
Rachel was a munchkin in "The Wizard of Oz" at our high school last month. I asked her if she was going to be Dorothy someday, and she said that she would really want to be the witch. This is Rachel's witch portrayal--she did a pretty good job of grasping the evil witch feel. This was after one of their performances about 11:00 pm, and she was pretty punchy. It's kind of hard to tell what she is saying, but she is doing the part where the witch decides to use the poppies to make Dorothy fall asleep so that she won't make it to Oz.
Lots of catching up!
This is the Jamison version of musical chairs - it was really wild! People kept grabbing chairs and dragging them along with them. It was a lot of fun.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween pictures
Josh and Nate - Josh made a voting booth, and had people vote for president with their candy

Rachel and Sami

Rebekah spent the night with a friend, so I didn't get a picture of her.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Rachel's Historical Scavenger Hunt
It was really funny when the kids finally realized that the bus wasn't coming back for them - I just assumed they knew what the agenda was. They all did great, even though they thought it was way too far to walk. I didn't have any time to take pictures during the activity because I was too busy counting heads :) but I took a few pictures on my way home. There are some really cool things the kids learn about our local history. This is my fourth, and last time helping with the scavenger hunt. I find that I am having many firsts and lasts recently, with one kid going into high school, and our last halfway through elementary school. It's fun, but a little sad too!

There was another story of a person who had a pet bear and would come into town with it. He would tie it to a tree while he was at work, but it was too scary for some of the kids in town, so he set the bear free in the woods.
It was a fun way to spend the day, and great for the kids to learn some of the history of our city.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Rachel's canoe trip
Friday, October 3, 2008
Neptunes Daughter:
Singing in the Rain:
Brigadoon: (this is where my name came from - "The Heather on the Hill")
On the Town: (this one has Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra)
Xanadu: (we used to watch this movie over and over as kids - now my girls love it!)
Enchanted: not a classic, but still really fun
Cross Country Meets

Anyway, Rebekah did pretty well, especially considering the challenges. She finished the two mile course in 16:03.

Rebekah is a great example to me of modesty. She always wears a t-shirt under her jersey for modesty's sake - even on hot days. I love you Rebekah!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy!
All of the kids are enjoying school this year and doing well. They are spread out between three different school, which has made for crazy calendaring with different days off and early release days. We also have Josh leaving for school at 6:57, Elizabeth, Michael and Rebekah at 7:30, and Rachel at 8:30, so it's a constantly moving morning around here. Elizabeth is in an early band class at the junior high, so she takes the bus with Michael and Rebekah. She is learning to play the flute, so we have flute, piano, clarinet, tuba, and trumpet players.
Michael got to play on the starting line for the first time for his football game Saturday! He was really excited about it. Michael doesn't let me take pictures if he knows the camera is around, but I caught him a few times. I love Michael's stance, something about it is really cute. He always stands with his hands on his hips, and his toes pointed outward. Michael is #13. They won this game, and Michael got in on some tackles and blocked a PAT.

I have started taking a weekly institute class on the book of John, and I am really excited about it. I have been in primary for so long, it is really nice to take a class with other adults. I am also in the process of becoming a regular temple volunteer in the cafeteria. Today was my third time helping, I work a 4-5 hour shift once each week. It's a lot of fun. I help with cooking, serving, and running the cash register. My bishop has the paperwork to make me official, and once it is turned in I will be set apart by the temple president. I am really excited that I can serve in the temple.
We have successfully completed two back to school nights, and have the high school tonight. I am scared, I feel like I really shouldn't be there because there are so many parents who are my parent's ages. It's a bit awkward, but I've got to go, so I'll grin and bear it :)
Rachel and Elizabeth tried out to be munchkins in our high school's "The Wizard of Oz" production. They both did great in their audition, and Rachel got a part. She is super excited. I think that Elizabeth is just too tall to be a munchkin - she has an amazing voice and really did well during her audition. The director was a bit overwhelmed by the turnout - they had about 150 kids try out, and had planned to cast only 20. They decided to cast 40 instead because of the amount of interest. The performances are in November and should be a lot of fun.
Rebekah is in cross country and has her first meet tomorrow. Josh is the team manager for her team (Josh was at the junior high's first practice watching Rebekah, and the coach asked him to be the team manager. He was on the junior high team for two years and did not join cross country this year because he needs to focus more on grades. So much for that idea!)I think he likes the power- a lot of the kids think he is really cool. I will let you know how Rebekah does in her first meet. She ran two miles yesterday in under 14 minutes, so she is doing really well in her training.
I finished writing the primary program last week and got all of the parts distributed to parents. Now I am working on the seating chart (very important - this can make or break our program!). I will be really relieved when the program is finished. We have our first practice this Sunday, so I also need to print packets for all of the teachers with the program and music. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed!!! (but I do love primary, and I love my calling - thought I needed that disclaimer!)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Mushroom hunting adventure