Rebekah had her first meet of the year last week. It is a really tricky course for several reasons: first, for most of the course there are holes in the ground every few feet because of moles and there are beehives in some of the holes; second, the course is hilly; third, many of the kids were running with bee stings. It seems really crazy to me that they have a race at this particular park every year, because this was our third year going, and the third year that many kids were stung. Rebekah and Elizabeth were each stung once, and Rebekah's friend was stung five times, and had to run 1/2 hour later. CRAZY!
Anyway, Rebekah did pretty well, especially considering the challenges. She finished the two mile course in 16:03.

Rebekah at the finish line

Elizabeth and Rebekah

The second meet of the year was yesterday, and Rebekah finished in 15:08! Pretty good to cut a minute off of her race time! The cool thing about this race was the 8th grade boys and girls ran together, and Rebekah was the fifteenth girl to finish the race, and she finished ahead of a lot of the boys. She is a great runner! She is not deterred by her height at all, even though most of the kids her age are a lot taller.
Rebekah is a great example to me of modesty. She always wears a t-shirt under her jersey for modesty's sake - even on hot days. I love you Rebekah!

Rebekah at the finish with some of her friends
Go Rebekah:)
That is awesome! Tell Rebekah good job on racing and an even better job on modesty! Thumbs up there! I love to see Young Women taking a stand in today's world and making a difference! You go girl!
Rebekah you look great in red. What awesome times, keep up the great effort. Cross Country is an amazing sport that really requires a lot of self-discipline.
I really admire you for your enthusiasm to run and AWESOME modesty. What great ways to be, "Steadfast and Immovable".
The bees and holes did not sound like fun. I remember Mooney Grove was pretty hilly and I think it had some holes. Another place in Visalia was a pretty wild course.
Coalinga was all on dirt and the road.
I guess each place brings its own challenges.
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