Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Day, again!

We are now on day four of the "actic blast," as our news stations have dubbed it. This is the third day without school, and the natives are becoming restless! We are getting more snow today, tomorrow, and Sunday. I am pretty sure the kids will not be going back to school until after Christmas - I hope we make it through!


Janessa Couch said...

I wish that we lived closer so we could have fun playing in the snow together! I am not going to brave the roads though. So, at least you have a fun hill to sled down...I have a ghetto hill. :)

Tricia said...

Sorry - we had a huge snow storm yesterday and the roads are as clear today - good luck handling the restless kids:)

tamster17 said...

Looks like you have a couple of snow bunnies on your hands! Kinda wish they shut down a couple things here when we get snow -- but then again we could be cooped up from December - April then! Have fun while it lasts and think about us over here in Utah living in an "Artic Blast" all winter long! :-O

Patty said...

Come to California we have been having sunshine. Today was beautiful.