Thursday, January 15, 2009

This is sooooooo funny!

I was at the library last night with my kids. Rebekah needs to read two classic books for a report, and was searching on the computer. I was standing behind her, and she typed into the search box "Donkey Hote." I just about died laughing. She got mad at me, but I said she was one in a million. I was proved wrong...we saw Josh, and Rebekah asked him how to spell Don Quixote. He spelled it the same did Michael, Elizabeth and Rachel. I thought it was the funniest thing I had heard in a long time! I love you guys!


Tricia said...

That is funny! At least she was writing it how it sounded:)

Janessa Couch said...

Kids are the best! They are what get me through the day.

Patty said...

What books did she read? I have never read that book or most classics.
That is really funny about the spelling. I guess that we have lived around the music and movie enough to know the correct spelling.
On Friday the big topic was the upcoming spelling bee. It brought back a lot of memories.
You always were great at spelling.