Josh went on a four day pioneer trek to Southeastern Washington. It was a wonderful experience for him. I love the before and after pictures, Josh was quite a sight when I picked him up. The temperature had gotten up to 108 degrees their last couple of days, so most of the kids were pretty burned, and everyone was tired. Josh's favorite part of the trek was a dance they had. They did some square dancing, and ended with dances like YMCA. Not quite pioneer era, but they had a great time. The last day as the buses were heading home it was so hot that our stake president had the buses stop at a gas station and bought all the kids drinks. I have a great imagination when it comes to that one, 200 kids getting off of buses dressed as pioneers, and all of them FILTHY! I wonder what the people at the convenience store thought? It must have been quite a sight.
I am so grateful for this opportunity that the kids had to learn about their pioneer heritage. They pushed handcarts over about 22 miles, and even though they had it much easier than the pioneers (such as beautifully prepared meals), I think that in a small way they are able to appreciate some of what the pioneers endured. I hope that Paul and I can go with them some time in the future - it seems like such an amazing experience.
Our stake wants to do a trek and I really want to be a part of it. What an amazing experience for the youth to endure to actually be able to follow in their ancestors footsteps. I would love to do a trek also. Love the before and after pics.
Thanks for sharing the great pictures. I'm sure that Josh will never forget that experience and when he reads about his pioneer ancestors, he will have a better appreciation of what they went through.
I haven't personally done the trek thing either, but it would be a great experiecne. How neat that Josh got a chance to be a part of one. I've heard that it can be a life-altering experience and one that will touch your heart forever.
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