Halloween was a lot of fun. We had Trunk or Treat at the church a few days before Halloween. The teenagers were in charge of games and a haunted house, and everyone had a good time. On Halloween night we all went our separate ways - Michael, Elizabeth, Rebekah and Josh all went with friends, which left me with only Rachel! Another sign that everyone is growing up, I guess. Janessa and her girls and Rachel's friend, Sami, went trick or treating with us. The girls were really funny, they were ready to come home after about 1/2 hour, and we convinced them that they only got to go trick or treating once each year! Lindsay said, "yeah, but we go every year!" It was really cute, Halloween was always one of my favorite holidays as a kid, so it's hard to understand their mentality!
Josh and Nate - Josh made a voting booth, and had people vote for president with their candy

Rachel and Sami

Lindsay, Rachel, Sami, Ashley and Haley

Rachel in her munchkin costume

Elizabeth was an angel

Michael was Ozzy Ozborne
Rebekah spent the night with a friend, so I didn't get a picture of her.