We ran in the Hood to Coast this weekend and had a great time. This was my fifth year! This is also the first year that Paul and I have been in the same car, and that was really cool. Normally, we each drive one of our cars and only see one another a couple of times during the race at exchanges between our cars, and talk on the phone a lot. This year we were together all the way through, and that was a fun change. Paul ran right after me, so it was fun to hand off to him at our exchanges. We did that one other year when I was the first runner in my car, and Paul was the last runner in his car, and our handing off to each other was the only time we saw one another until the end of the race. We would kiss as we handed off, and got lots of ooh's and aah's. We were pretty sore at the end of the race, but are doing good now. I was really pleasantly surprised that I didn't have more back problems during the race, yeah! Next year is going to be even better, my goal is to run 9 minute miles, so that is what I will be training for. I didn't take any pictures this year along the way, but these pictures were from the beach at the end of the race.
Our team name is Numb because when you run for miles and miles you fall into a rhythm and feel like you can keep running forever because you become numb to it. (This is a theory, you do become numb to it to some degree, but hurt like crazy afterward!) We write on the car windows everyone's name, tally marks for roadkills (when you pass another runner it is called a roadkill), and other fun stuff. By the time I took this picture some of our writing had worn away, but the back window says Uncomfortably Numb. This race is so much fun, if any of you out there want to do it with us, let me know! It is hard, hot, stinky, tiring, and long, but an absolute blast! It is really rewarding to know that you can push your body to the limits and do something so extreme, I love it!