We had a great vacation over Christmas break - I drove with the kids to stay with my parents in California for almost a week. One drawback to Paul working at UPS is that he doesn't get any time of over Christmas break. I was worried about the drive, but between books on tape and music, and lots of treats, we were fine. It was a very packed house, and we had a great time. I think at the peak, we had 32 people staying at my parent's house - it was wall to wall people! We went to the beach, I got to visit with my friend Melanie from high school (and we invaded her parents guesthouse for a couple of nights - thank you so much!) We got to go to the airport to welcome my brother Adam home from his mission! We went to Superior Dairy with Mark and Lilly and had two SOS's - super oversized sundaes - yummy!

Most of the Adamson cousins together - the kids all sang "Called to Serve" on Sunday for their Uncle Adam - this was a practice.

Mark, Lilly and Rebekah and the monster sundae! It was huge, with seven scoops of ice cream plus whipped cream, bananas, chocolate. So yummy, thanks Mark and Lilly!

Michael and Elizabeth
Mark, Lilly and Rebekah
PISMO BEACH was so much fun! We went with Jared and Janessa's families. It was great!
Rachel and Ashley

Jared, Josh and Rachel climbing on the rocks at Pismo Beach

Rebekah and Jade

Rebekah and Josh playing in the sand with Hailey

Elizabeth and Rachel playing in the waves - the weather was beautiful! It was about 65 degrees!

Elizabeth, Heather, Josh, Rachel and Rebekah on the pier at Pismo Beach - we had fun watching the surfers